Our Mission
The Mission of the CASA of Tipton County is to provide qualified and trained volunteer representation for each abused or neglected child in the Juvenile Court system of Tipton County while striving for a safe, nurturing and permanent home for that child as quickly as possible.
Court Appointed Special Advocates® (CASA) are community volunteers, just like you, who stand up and speak out to help abused and neglected children.
Our CASA program belongs to a network of nearly 950 community-based programs that recruit, train and support citizen-volunteers to advocate for the best interests of abused and neglected children in courtrooms and communities.
Sign up for Kroger's Community Rewards Program to help support Court Appointed Children's Advocates, CASA. Help us be For the Child. CASA is considered to be friends of the court. We advocate for the best interests of the child when a child can not advocate for themselves. DCS/CPS is the child's first contact with the system, Carl Perkins provides counseling and therapy. Besides DCS/CPS, CASA is only agency in the court to be part of the child's life constantly and consistently, while the parents work to get back on their feet and reunited with their children.
Sign up to volunteer and we'll put your talents to good use. We can always use CASA volunteers to work with the children. Board members to help develop and grow and provide strategic direction to CASA of Tipton County. We look for people versed in multimedia who could spare some time to maintain our site and people versed in IT to help expand the capabilities of our system.
With your help we have significantly improved the community by providing essential resources, fostering empowerment, and catalyzing positive, sustainable change.
Our impact this year has changed our community!
59 Children Served This Physical year
4,632 hours or
$143,378.00 services provided to Tipton County at no charge to the County.
Responses from those we have served.
We have continued to grow with the help of our donors, patrons, artists and volunteers that make our mission possible. Through all 15 years our purpose remains the same: bring quality advocacy and a safe home to kids in our community our community.
Grant & Miranda * Tipton County
CASA has walked with us every step of our journey-but not for us-for our son. They continuously sought to make his story known and to uncover things unknown. His advocates fought alongside his lawyers to provide him with the life he deserves. CASA advocated for our son and for so many more like him. They truly are unsung heroes.
We are so incredibly thankful for the men and women who give so selflessly of themselves and their time. The vision of CASA is remarkable. They fight for the ones who can't fight for themselves. They speak for the ones who can't. They provide comfort and familiarity to kids who are walking the most horrific paths imaginable. CASA provides these children with invaluable services and support.Our son's CASA helped our family in more ways than I can express. He answered our questions, listened to our concerns, provided a steady line of communication, and walked through this journey alongside our son. He chooses daily to speak for the ones who can't, fight for the ones in need, and he gave our son a voice. CASA stands up when so many others do not. CASA provided our son what we could not and helped change his life. Our family is better because of CASA. Our son's face is just one of the many faces of CASA.
We are forever grateful, Grant & Miranda